Cinema program "Morgan" in Jaworzno
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Runtime: 92 min.
Production: USA , 2016
Category: drama / horror / mystery
Release Date: 9 September 2016
Distribution: Imperial Cinepix
Directed by: Luke Scott
Cast: Rose Leslie, Kate Mara, Anya Taylor-Joy
Thriller, produced by Ridley Scott, the legendary creator of "Gladiator," "Alien - 8 passenger> Alien <", "Blade Runner" and "Prometheus" director's debut of his son, Luke Scott. A representative of a large corporation that specializes in dealing with risky situations, is sent to a remote, top-secret lab to clarify the matter horrific accident. On-site it discovers that the accident is seemingly innocent "human being", which hides both the extraordinary potential, as well as a huge threat. Starring: Kate Mara ( "Martian"), Toby Jones ( "The Hunger Games: The ring of fire"), Michelle Yeoh ( "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"), Academy Award nominee Jennifer Jason Leigh ( "Hate eight") and Oscar nominee Paul Giamatti ( "the Amazing Spider-Man 2").

Movie trailer: Morgan
Your comments
nuda,film o niczym.szkoda kasy
Moim zdaniem film słaby. W porównaniu z ex machina dużo słabszy a nawet nudny. Trailer zachęca a film rozczarowuje.
cos w stylu filmu ex machina ale lepiej
Film pełen przemocy, nie powinien być oglądany przez widzów <12 lat. W sumie bezsensownej przemocy. Nie tyle trzyma w napięciu jak Obcy co budzi przerażenie, że zaraz znowu komuś Morgan wypruje flaki
jak ktos siedzi w gatunku to go raczej nie zaskoczy