Cinema program "Dolce Fine Giornata" in Jaworzno
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"Dolce Fine Giornata"
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Runtime: 92 min.
Production: Polska , 2019
Category: drama
Release Date: 10 May 2019
Distribution: Next Film
Directed by: Jacek Borcuch
Cast: Krystyna Janda, Katarzyna Smutniak
A story about courage, the power of words and complicated family relationships. About fear of the unknown and passion of life. The film's location is the Italian province, the Etruscan city of Volterra. Maria (Krystyna Janda) lives here for many years - Polish poet, Nobel laureate, moral authority. The world of heroes is turned upside down when they receive a shocking news of a terrorist attack in Rome. Maria's uncompromising and improper politics turn out to have dramatic consequences.

Movie trailer: Dolce Fine Giornata
Your comments
Świetna gra aktorska, ciekawy pomysł, głębokie dialogi, ale...odczułam pewną niespojność, niedosyt. Dobry film, choć wielu się nie spodoba, bo jest niedopowiedziany. Warto.
Widziałam na offie i jest miazga. Dawno nie było tak dobrego polskiego filmu.