Cinema program "The Place" in Jaworzno
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Runtime: 105 min.
Production: Włochy , 2017
Category: comedy / drama
Release Date: 23 February 2018
Distribution: Aurora Films
Directed by: Paolo Genovese
Cast: Valerio Mastandrea, Marco Giallini, Alessandro Borghi
Presented premiere at the 12th International Film Festival in Rome, a psychological thriller, in which director Paolo Genovese again, as in his previous work, the sensational comedy "Good Lies in Good Company," takes a closer look at morality and the dark secrets of the human soul.
In Italy, since the premiere (November 9, 2017), the film saw over 600,000. viewers.
A mysterious man sits at the same table in the same restaurant every day, talking to people who come to him for unusual help. Each of the guests turns out to want something, has a dream difficult to implement, if not impossible at all. However, everything is feasible for a man. "You can achieve it," he repeats to everyone.
But the condition is to perform a special task, thanks to which it will fulfill the most secret request. Who exactly is this man and who sets the rules for a strange game at the table?
The movie returns actors known from "Good Lies in Good Company," like Valerio Mastandrea, Marco Giallini and Alba Rohrwacher, and joins them, among others. star of the mafia series "Suburra", Alessandro Borghi.

Movie trailer: The Place
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