
Jai Courtney - filmography

14 February 2025

Directed by: John Sheedy
Cast: Jai Courtney, Jack Thompson, Celeste Barber
Category: family

Oto niesamowita opowieść prosto z Australii, w której pewien bezpański pies znajdzie swoją ludzką rodzinę i weźmie udział w najbardziej emocjonujących zawodach dla czworonogów. To podnosząca na duchu... more

18 January 2019

Storm Boy
Directed by: Shawn Seet
Cast: Jai Courtney, Geoffrey Rush, David Gulpilil
Category: adventure / drama / family

A funny, moving and wise story of an extraordinary friendship that gives strength for life.

Laureate of Oscar GEOFFREY RUSH in the screening of one of the most beautiful novels for young... more

3 July 2015

Terminator: Genisys
Directed by: Alan Taylor
Cast: Emilia Clarke, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jai Courtney
Category: action / adventure / sci-fi

Near future. In 2029 John Connor is the head of the underworld, fighting cyborgs threatening humanity. In this unequal struggle must confront the forces of the past and ... future. To ensure that life... more

13 March 2015

The Water Diviner
Directed by: Russell Crowe
Cast: Jai Courtney, Russell Crowe, Olga Kurylenko
Category: drama / war

"The source of hope," directed by Oscar winner and Golden Globe Russell Crowe ("Gladiator", "A Beautiful Mind"), is an extraordinary epic, amazingly romantic and inspiring story of love overcoming all... more

2 January 2015

Directed by: Angelina Jolie
Cast: Jack O'Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, Jai Courtney
Category: biography / drama / sport

Adaptation of the best-selling book by Laura Hillenbrand, whose hero is Louis Zamperini. Director took Angelina Jolie ("In the Land of Blood and Honey"), and the main role there is Jack O'Connell, he... more

15 February 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard
Directed by: John Moore
Cast: Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Radivoje Bukvic
Category: action / crime / thriller

John McClane (BruceWillis) powraca w spektakularnym filmie akcji, by stawić czoła największemu wyzwaniu w swej dotychczasowej karierze i zapobiec wybuchowi zbrojnego konfliktu na międzynarodową skalę. more